Hi world!
Feelingstream is an early stage startup and we want to share our story with all of you out there! We participated at the first Eesti Telekom’s accelerator program VUNK for B2B and B2C startups and we won it! VUNK aims at changing the telecom industry for the better and we are now part of it! During very intense 48 hours at the Vunk hackathon, we were able to build the first actual prototype with our brilliant team, together with opening our story in the World Wide Web and designing the first user interface. We are proud that Eesti Telekom and the whole VUNK team together with Garage48 and Startup Wise Guys see us as one of the 7 potential innovators that can bring fresh ideas and better customer value to the whole telecom industry.
Getting to the second round means a lot of intensive work, discussions and learning-by-doing. We are the proud advocates of ‘Talking is not doing. Doing is doing’. Therefore, for these intense times to come, we want to share our doings with all of you out there. It means that behind the scenes our superpowered team is doing heavy work daily and below is what we focused on getting done last week.
For the next weeks we will continue working on our product with the help of our dear mentors.We are meeting with all the 7 winning teams weekly at Startup Wise Guys’ office. Our idea owner Terje Ennomäe is perfecting pitching daily and has already performed in front of the Estonian Business Angels Network.
Pilot customers
Things have moved fast after the hackathon. Next to Eesti Telekom, we already got a happy ‘yes’ to test our solution in an international commercial bank. We are negotiating the exact terms at the moment and figuring out the exact assumptions we want to prove and hypothesis to solve. One of the constraints for us was to solve the analytics for Estonian language, but we succeeded to solve it and after a week of analysing and hard work, this is up and running.
Feelingstream is all about customer analytics and it can only work if the product’s architecture is well set up for both our customers and back-end operations. One is to create a prototype that works, but it’s completely another story to actually figure out how we can integrate our product with our customer’s systems through an API. This is what we had our hands on for most of last week.
Our main goals for current week:
- We will meet with contact centre managers to validate our business model;
- We will set up the API framework and write the set up script;
- We will advance with our pilot customers so we can start testing soon.
Feel you soon!