Voicestream - Your company’s AI Voicebot Agent

Human-like AI Agent
Dynamic voice IVR
24/7 service​

Say Hi! to Voicestream – the first AI Voicebot Agent built for Scandinavian languages!

The Voicestream AI Voicebot Agent speaks to your customers with a human-like voice and latency.
Out of the box it can handle 2-3% of all calls and over time up to 10% of the calls.

Use Voicestream to free up precious time for your agents so they can give engaging and quality service to your customers.

Customisable script requirements, voice and tone. We combine Feelingstream’s proprietary ASR models with GPT and knowledge-databases intelligence.

After you submit the survey below, you can show your interest in participating in a Voicestream pilot.


Participate in the survey!

    What is your role in the company?

    Roughly how far is your company in digitalising the customer experience?

    Considering your company, which of these areas do you see a human-like AI agent having the most immediate positive impact on (you may select up to 3)

    Your comments (optional)