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AI-driven customer service quality monitoring

10 typical questions that AI-driven customer service quality monitoring can help you answer – Part II

Businesses with large call volumes typically have similar customer service challenges. Here's how Feelingstream helps find answers.
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why change your call quality monitoring

Why you need to change how you do call quality monitoring – Part I

This common approach to call quality monitoring is costing businesses valuable time and opportunities to grow their business.
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What Estonian public sector institutions discovered about their customer service using Feelingstream

Feelingstream collaborated with three Estonian public sector institutions as part of the Estonian government's AI strategy.
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improve chatbot to optimize customer communication channels

Improve your chatbot to optimize customer communication channels

Discover how analyzing chatbot interactions can help make customer service channels more efficient overall.
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inbound email routing helps achieve sales potential

How inbound email routing helps achieve sales potential

Businesses can make a ton of new sales by automating inbound customer email routing.
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How do customers speak in different customer service channels

How do customers speak in different customer service channels?

Our speech to text solution makes customer calls searchable in text format. But this new kind of customer insight calls for a new way of thinking.
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Customer self-service portal improvements to reduce calls to customer service

How to improve your customer self-service portal and reduce calls to customer service

Learn more about how Feelingstream has helped businesses improve their customer self-service portals and reduce incoming customer calls.
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More visibility during remote working adds up to better business decisions

Remote work means that managers work from home. The customer service team that is serving customers is either working from home or in a safe work environment. This new situation that the managers find themselves in demands for more visibility...
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Remote customer service made efficient with conversation analytics

Remote customer service made efficient with conversation analytics

A few months ago, no one knew how radically our work life was going to change in the coming months. Governments all over the world have requested companies to close their offices and work from home. This means that customer...
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European Data Incubator win Feelingstream

Feelingstream won the European Data Incubator Program: Solving the chatbot visibility problem

Feelingstream won the EDI (European Data Incubator) Program. During the last 8 months, our team had only one focus – to build an MVP for our data provider Telia. The MVP consisted of chatbot analytics and automatic reactions to various...
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Lead generation with information from existing customer conversations

Lead generation with information from existing customer conversations

I attend many business development meetings where people try and generate tons of ideas about better customer service with digitalisation, simplifying processes or designing the next product feature. However, my last experience in the telecom sector was different because we...
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should closing deals be scripted

Should closing deals be scripted?

Customer interaction analytics creates a new way of closing deals, sales coaching and gaining business results for your company. It is smart to use scripts for helping Agents to not forget anything or ensure they follow the call flow. Call...
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Feelingstream 2019 in review

How to get customer insights and prepare for sales in 2020 – a year in review

This week the Estonian Government AI top-level meetup Kratitreff presented insights from AI-related pilot projects in governmental organisations (read more here). The main challenges relate to missing hypothesis, unrealistic targets or inadequate project teams during the POC-s or trials. We...
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Finnish speech-to-text ASR model - Feelingstream

Finnish speech-to-text (ASR) solution detects leads from conversations

Lately, we have been developing our own Finnish speech-to-text model and now it’s ready! We’ve designed the Finnish speech-to-text model to help large companies detect business-critical patterns from existing phone calls, such as sales leads, quality leaks, unhappy and leaving customers. Analysing...
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Introducing Riikka – our cheerful sales guru!

Introducing Riikka – our cheerful sales guru!

Riikka, why did you decide to join Feelingstream? I was looking for a new job and I saw that Terje wrote on Facebook that they are looking for analysts. There were a lot of different requirements for an analyst and...
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