

Small companies can make tiny changes for big impact

A small real estate company recently asked Feelingstream to analyze their inbox. This case made it clear that the size of a company does not determine the amount of daily communication and related work. Smaller businesses also deal with a lot of communication flow. They could benefit from AI and tips to have a more...
Automated email routing

The story of an Inbox

Feelingstream started a pilot project for the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in November. The aim was to analyze incoming e-mails in various inboxes and establish the most common themes and emotions. The results are now in and they’re somewhat surprising. The Ministry receives as many as 50 e-mails a day. 24% of...
Customer feedback interpretation beyond the NPS score

Customer feedback interpretation beyond the NPS score

Interpreting customer feedback beyond the NPS score can be a trickier task than you might think. Imagine this. You have composed a clever questionnaire with carefully worded questions. It presents tested categories for ranking between best to worst or fastest to slowest. You have added a box for free form comments that you dread to...
Predefined topics

How predefined topics kill the vibe

I had a problem with my new internet and mobile service provider. I got the first bill and couldn’t believe the amount it stated. Additionally, I noticed that the package I had bought didn’t fit my needs. For example, I didn’t need the reminder about used limits, or an automatic service at all. I was...
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