Each year on the first Tuesday in October, the customer experience community celebrates the professionals and companies that make great customer experiences happen – a celebration known as CX Day. In 2021, customer experience day falls on 5th October.
It is a day to highlight the great experiences we wish for our customers. To showcase and notice what they deserve when interacting with service providers. We know that our customers are valuable. Therefore, on this day, we would like to add a special spotlight on customer service representatives and Agents.
The Agents that take care of our customers day-to-day deserve a big applause for doing a great job. The Feelingstream platform analyzes their daily work. In this article, we showcase their efforts with some statistics from call centers.
Why is the customer experience so important?
Many executives understand what a customer-centric strategy can mean in the long run – more satisfied customers, increased customer loyalty, lowered costs, and engaged employees. At the same time, they may not understand the value that could be added to the business by superior customer experiences and what ten points of net promoter score (NPS) would be worth for their businesses. Read more about that in the McKinsey article about linking the customer experience to value.
We have understood that you need to understand your business questions to thrive. The next step would be to analyze your data accordingly to make informed decisions. When it comes to great customer experiences, data can make all of the difference in the world. You can read further in our article about decision-driven data analysis.
Invest in your customer experience to gain loyalty
We’d encourage you to invest in an analytic approach toward your conversational data. It will get you visibility why your loyal customers remain with your company. You can also discover every single reason for churn signals. You can highlight best practices and root out the customer experience weeds.
Sure, this process of improving your customer experience needs work and patience. But what is clear is that a superior customer experience is a point of differentiation from your competitors. Putting in the effort and creating good customer experiences results in customer loyalty. It also creates a positive word of mouth among people. You can read more in the Anblicks article about the importance of customer experiences.
CX day in customer experience and customer service numbers
We want to share some customer service statistics with you. These are just some options that Feelingstream users can measure and analyze in their daily work.

Our favorite – number of words per day per Agent
How many words do you think you speak each day?
Depends on the day for sure, but unless you work as a customer service representative, most likely you do not hit the average of 28 000 words per day that the Agents on our platform say each working day.
Slow-fast-the fastest
We use words to let the other side know what we need to say or to ask questions. But when we talk, what happens when we do it too slow or too fast? The message gets lost.

We have analyzed incoming customer service calls in various business sectors in Scandinavia to measure the talking pace.
Average Agent tempo – 127 words per minute
Average Customer tempo – 138 words per minute
The customer usually talks faster than the Agent!
The talking ratio or the balance between customer and Agent
The balance of the call is how much the Agent and the customer speak. It varies depending on the topic and based on the people talking. The talking ratio can be measured to ensure that the customer is involved in the conversation. The Agent mustn’t perform Shakespeare-worthy monologues in customer service calls.
Our statistics show that 70% of calls have at least one Agent’s monologue of 75+ consecutive words.
How to celebrate CX day in 2021?
Notice the best of the best. Award your best Agents and set your focus on the frontline. Ensure that your Agents could offer the best experiences that your customers deserve. All Agents need feedback and Feelingstream can help you with thorough data and automated statistics. There is much more that you can find out about the Agent’s performance in addition to the number of words per day, call tempo, or share of monologue during the call.
Customer service representatives and Agents take care of your customers every day and in good and bad. Try your best to acknowledge their effort and take CX Day as a moment to celebrate it!