

Employee happiness leads to customer satisfaction

A key question in today’s competitive world is employee happiness. It drives the business, performance, and the sales results in customer oriented companies. There is a direct relation between motivated employees and customer satisfaction. Happy employees in contact centers make the difference Firstly, as customers, we all seek for exceptional customer service. We look for...

Successful production pilot with Nordea Finland

We at Feelingstream are proud to announce that our team have successfully completed our production environment pilot with Nordea Finland. As a result, we are stepping into a long-term partnership with them. We also wrote about this last week. Our Data Scientist Mervi Sepp says that despite challenges that lied ahead, there was always a determination to...
Nordea Feelingstream Customer service AI

Contract with Nordea – Feelingstream’s road to success

We at Feelingstream are proud to announce that we have successfully completed our production environment pilot with Nordea Finland. As a result we are stepping into a long-term partnership with them. Our journey has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Nevertheless, we are happy that it has all been worth it for this victorious...

Small companies can make tiny changes for big impact

A small real estate company recently asked Feelingstream to analyze their inbox. This case made it clear that the size of a company does not determine the amount of daily communication and related work. Smaller businesses also deal with a lot of communication flow. They could benefit from AI and tips to have a more...
Automated email routing

The story of an Inbox

Feelingstream started a pilot project for the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in November. The aim was to analyze incoming e-mails in various inboxes and establish the most common themes and emotions. The results are now in and they’re somewhat surprising. The Ministry receives as many as 50 e-mails a day. 24% of...

Intelligent auto-replies will become a game-changer!

Automatic responses are a widely used e-mail type in customer service. Auto-replies are often discarded due to their impersonal and trivial content. Feelingstream’s new exciting technology might change that perception in a profound way. Auto-replies can be more than just a thank you for waiting We often expect customer service agents to be almost superhumanly...
paying customers come from value

Next step – finding a paying customer!

Feelingstream was one of the winners at VUNK accelerator program 2015. They’ve been working on their solution focusing on helping large service companies improve their customer experience. CEO & founder Terje Ennomäe shares her lessons for the past year. Tell us about the inspiration for Feelingstream, from idea to realization? I have been working for customer service area more...
nps analysis

NPS analysis: Looking behind the score to get great value

It is generally known that if a person has the freedom to choose and there are several services available on the market with different levels, they will spend their money where they get the best service. Here and there we see different service providers advertising themselves, using the “our customers recommend us” slogan! Our NPS...

About closing sales with our first corporate customer Telia

So far, Ajujaht had given us task related to investment, team building & marketing. We knew that the time will also come to sell the product. We were right – it was about sales. The task Find a customer, who is ready to say it out loud and also will start using our product. Corporate...
raftbuilding and teamwork

What does raft-building say about teamwork?

Another week, another teamwork task. While driving to the yet another unknown location, we had a pretty good idea this time about what’s ahead of us. Since the staff was once again very secretive about what’s about to happen, we only had an option to guess. We had to put weatherproof clothes on and the...
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