Reasons to use automatic summaries

13 reasons to use Automatic Summaries for customer conversations 

In the realm of customer service, it is important to keep up to date with the latest developments that can benefit your business, the customer, and your Agents. If there is a way to make the process smoother, more efficient, and even more enjoyable for everyone involved, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. By using genAI to capture the key insights from interactions, businesses can streamline processes, cut costs, and support their agents – all while boosting customer satisfaction and keeping data secure. Let’s explore thirteen reasons why automatic summaries are a game-changer! 

1. Streamlined after-call work

On average, up to 30% of  Agent work time is spent on after-call work (ACW) and making call notes. This statistic often increases significantly for sales calls. By automating note-taking, our Automatic Summary tool minimises these manual and repetitive tasks, allowing agents to focus on what matters.  

2. Enhanced customer well-being 

Agents save time for both themselves and the customer by reviewing the summaries from previous calls. This means they do not have to ask the customer to repeat their case history. Customers feel well looked after when the Agent refers to their last call, demonstrating a personal approach. 

3. Better customer satisfaction 

When Agents don’t need to worry about note-taking during phone calls, they can give their full and undivided attention to the customer. This ensures that the customer is well taken care of, and each interaction is meaningful and supportive. 

4. Improved line coverage

When note-taking is automated, it significantly reduces the time spent on ACW. This results in improved phone line coverage, allowing agents to be ready for their next call in much less time. 

5. Significant cost reduction 

Leveraging automatic summaries leads to notable cost savings by decreasing the time spent on ACW and simplifying the onboarding process for new agents. 

6. Boosted agent well-being 

Removing repetitive manual tasks is already good for Agents, but there is also the bonus of agent well-being when they spend the time otherwise used for note-taking on refocusing and recharging between phone calls. 

7. Enhanced data security

Automatic summaries are created using Generative AI technology that relies on anonymised data. No personally identifiable information (PII) is used in the automatic summarisation process.​ 

8. Consistent summaries 

Automatic Summary will create summaries based on the same model and pattern. This ensures a unified format across all interactions for easier reference. 

9. Reliable quality 

By removing human bias and variability in note-taking and recall, the quality of the summaries remains consistent and trustworthy, enhancing overall reliability. 

10. Seamless integration 

Automatic summaries can be easily integrated into existing CRM software. This will help keep all information in one place and readily accessible during calls. 

11. Streamlined onboarding 

With automatic summaries in place, there is one less element to teach new agents, thereby making the onboarding process faster and more efficient. 

12. Comprehensive analysis 

The Feelingstream platform enables searching, filtering, and analysing both phone calls and their summaries. This provides valuable insights accessible to all levels of management to make data-driven decisions.

13. Easy scalability 

Automatic summaries are not limited to phone calls only. They can be used for all customer interactions including chats, emails and even feedback. With all customer conversation summaries accessible in a standardised format, it becomes easier for teams to analyse patterns, identify common issues, and enhance overall customer service.  

What’s the impact of automatic summaries on costs?

All in all, the centralised approach of automatic summaries offers numerous benefits, leading to significant cost reductions. Just imagine how much you could save if you cut costs by even 1€ per call on all the monthly phone interactions your business handles.

To unlock the full potential of automatic summaries and start saving time and money, consider implementing this powerful tool in your business and take the first step towards increased efficiency and reduced costs.

Contact us for a demo and see how automatic summaries can transform your operations! 

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